We learnt how to identify characteristics of a good team member.
First, we discussed as a team what characteristics are. Characteristics means a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify them.
Next, we needed to draw the body outline. Then, we needed to think of good things and bad things as a team. We needed to write down the good things in the body and the bad things outside the body. For an example: Including Everyone is a good thing and Being Left Out is a bad thing.
Last, we went outside and sat in a circle. We need to plan how to keep the ball in the air. We needed to identify actions and factors that prevent a team from working cooperatively.
We enjoyed this activity because we communicated together. We did well by trying to attempt the task . We need to improve on working together as a team. by Aj Alicity Malosi Ane Siniva Tuteao