
This week we learn about Matariki .

First we made a matariki poem for Matariki and we made a star for Matariki .

Next we created a star for Matariki in the sky .

Last you have to make your own star .

I  enjoy matariki and  I did well on this blog post.

American Football

This week we learnd about American Football .

First we warm up and played a octopus game then we talked about how to pass the ball and how to catch the ball .

Next we we talk about piggy in the middle like for example you need to get three people for your groups  and  one of them is the piggy if the piggy get the ball you have to go in the middle or if you get the ball you need to need to swap

around .

lastly we got in a circle and started to play piggy in the middle and the piggy was Marcel and Yavi and Myah.

I enjoyed.. and I did well on the inquiry and i impove on my blog post


Basic facts

We learn about basic facts .

First we make a slide about basic facts .

Next we got beans to group .

lastly i took pic of the groups of beans,for example  i did group and groups of 2 6 is my slide .

Dawn parade

This week we learn about WW1 and ANZACS

First we click on a link to the youtube and watch it to find  the infromation for the key words.

Then I added it to the event and effect here is one

Lastly we looked to see if all of are key words had infromtoin .

Here is all the the keys words I did.

complex sentence

I learned about complex sentences.

First I learned about how to make a complex sentence and what a complex sentence is. A complex sentence is a  simple sentence that has a Aaawwubis in it.

Next we wrote our own complex sentence, When Alicity was laughing, Lisea got distracted.

Lastly we took photos and matched them with our complex sentence.

T-Ball Skllis

We learned about diffrent skllis T-Ball Skills .

The Skills we learned were hitting running and Throwing .

first we practised throwing by playing ball Rain .

next we practised running between the bases by having a Relay race .

lastly we  practised hitting we hit the ball on the tee.

i Enjoyed Hitting the ball .


We learnt how to identify characteristics of a good team member.

First, we discussed as a team what characteristics are. Characteristics means a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify them.

Next, we needed to draw the body outline. Then, we needed to think of good things and bad things as a team. We needed to write down the good things in the body and the bad things outside the body. For an example: Including Everyone is a good thing and Being Left Out is a bad thing.

Last, we went outside and sat in a circle. We need to plan how to keep the ball in the air. We needed to identify actions and factors that prevent a team from working cooperatively.                                                          

We enjoyed this activity because we communicated together. We did well by trying to attempt the task . We need to improve on working together as a team.  by Aj Alicity Malosi Ane Siniva Tuteao

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